Program Habitat (old DOS version)
and program Habitat V2 for Windows:
This program allows to simulate the evolution of a population of infinite
size with selection varying in space. Selection acts on two loci: Adaptation
et Habitat preference.
More explanations may be found in french
or in the related articles you may find in
pdf .
Clonality V1 to compute and test statistics of repeated genotypes (Prugnolle & Choisy) and detect clonal heterosis
Program Multitest V1-2 (De Meeûs et al. 2009) to combine independent testsEasypop,
a program to simulate population genetics data with various scenarii,
no longer availbale in its initial website, published in J Hered in 2001
by Frank Prugnolle, is a modified version of Easypop allowing selecting
datasets of every generations from the last simulated generation to the
10th backward.