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Thierry de Meeûs: Computer programs


Program Habitat (old DOS version) and program Habitat V2 for Windows: This program allows to simulate the evolution of a population of infinite size with selection varying in space. Selection acts on two loci: Adaptation et Habitat preference.
More explanations may be found in french  or in the related articles you may find in pdf

 Clonality V1 to compute and test statistics of repeated genotypes (Prugnolle & Choisy) and detect clonal heterosis

Program Multitest V1-2 (De Meeûs et al. 2009) to combine independent tests

Vitalis & Couvet's Estim12-2 to estimate effective population sizes and migration rates from intra and inter-loci correlations in an Island model

Glaubitz's Convert 1.3.1 for file convertion, in particuar into PHYLIP format

Goudet's FStat 2.9.4 (Goudet 2003)

Jason Commb's Create or Create for very small laptops

Corander et al 's BAPS 3.2 for Windows 64 bits, Bayesian clustering as described in Corander et al (2006,2008)

Easypop, a program to simulate population genetics data with various scenarii, no longer availbale in its initial website, published in J Hered in 2001

EasyTemp by Frank Prugnolle, is a modified version of Easypop allowing selecting datasets of every generations from the last simulated generation to the 10th backward.

NeEstimator by Do et al (2017, updated from Do et al 2014)